“Every little step we can take is a big step in the right direction”

Together We Create A Cleaner, Greener & Better Tomorrow Using Vappro VBCI Corrosion Inhibitors.

VBCI Paper

vappro vbci-828
Biodegradable VCI Paper
NATO Stock Number: 6850-32-076-1603


Vappro VBCI-828 VCI Paper is a non-toxic, biodegradable V.C.I. paper. It is simple and easy to use. Just wrap your products in Vappro VBCI-828, fold edges together for long term protection.

vappro vbci-829 enviro-wrap
VBCI Cohesive Paper
NATO Stock Number: 6850-32-085-2382


Vappro VBCI-829 VCI ENVIRO-WRAP is cold seal cohesive VCI paper engineered for multi-metal corrosion protection. The ingenuinity of its packaging concept and design helps consumer cut back significant packaging scrap ratio and eliminates the need for packing tapes Thus, it reduces packaging cost and increases productivity at the same time as the packing process is reduce to one simple step.

vappro vbci-830
VBCI Mineral Stone Paper
NATO Stock Number: Pending


Comprising calcium carbonate, silica powder, polypropylene resin and proprietary Vappro VCI corrosion inhibitors, Vappro VBCI-830 VCI Mineral Stone Paper protects against corrosion in both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Unlike pulp-based VCI paper, Vappro VBCI-830 VCI Mineral Stone Paper is UV resistant and anti-static, effectively inhibiting the onset of corrosion.

One Stop Shop For Corrosion Control, Rust Removers, Rust Convertors, Vappro VBCI Products, Vappro Insulkote, VBCI Masterbatch Resins, VBCI Oils, VBCI Grease, VBCI Additives, VBCI Lubricants, VBCI Gun Oils, VBCI Powders, VBCI Coatings, VBCI Papers, VBCI Mineral Stone Paper, VBCI Concrete Rebar Inhibitors, Heat Activated Lubricants, Lupromax Specialty Lubricants, Engine Oils, Metalworking Fluids, Greases,Biolubri Environmentally Friendly Lubricants, VGP Compliant And EAL Approved Lubricants, Wire Rope Lubricants, Anti-Seize Compound, Legionella-X Range Of Disinfectants, Corpro Specialty Chemicals , Baczyme Enzymatic Chemicals, Magna Water Treatment And Maintenance Chemicals.